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drawr() draws an interactive you-draw-it plot for interactive testing of graphics. Data can be simulated using linearDataGen() or inputted using a data frame from customDataGen().


  save_html_file_path = NULL,
  hide_buttons = FALSE,
  conf_int = FALSE,
  linear = "true",
  log_base = NULL,
  draw_start = NULL,
  points_end = NULL,
  x_by = 0,
  free_draw = TRUE,
  points = "full",
  aspect_ratio = 1,
  title = "",
  x_range = NULL,
  y_range = NULL,
  x_lab = "",
  y_lab = "",
  subtitle = "",
  drawn_line_color = "steelblue",
  true_line_color = "steelblue",
  draw_region_color = "rgba(255,255,0,.8)",
  x_axis_buffer = 0,
  y_axis_buffer = 0.05,
  show_finished = TRUE,
  show_tooltip = FALSE



The data containing line data (with equation info) and point data.


File path to save d3 output as an html. If null will not save. Can just provide filename and will save to current working directory. (default: NULL)


Logical value indicating whether to show or hide buttons. TRUE = hide, FALSE = show (default: FALSE)


Whether to generate a 95% confidence interval for the fitted line. Must select conf_int = TRUE in linearDataGen() or customDataGen() functions to generate interval. (default: FALSE)


Choice of a linear or log y-scale, "true" = linear, else = log. If using log scale choose log_y = TRUE in customDataGen() function when generating data. (default: "true").


The base of the log scale, only affects graph if not linear is not "true". If NULL will use natural logarithm. Log_base should match log_base choice in customDataGen() function (default = NULL)


The starting point for drawing. Must be larger than minimum x value and smaller than maximum x value. If null is provided will use minimum x plus smallest possible positive number such that x min != sum. Only provide if free_draw != TRUE. (default: NULL).


The ending x-value for the points. Will only affect the graph if points are "partial" (default: NULL).


The offset applied to rectangle in relation to current progress. (default: 0)


Whether to allow freehand drawing for entire graph. If false, begin drawing at draw_start. (default: T).


The type of points to be displayed. Choices: "full" or "partial". Full will always display all points, while for partial the user can choose not to include points. (default: "full").


The aspect ratio of the plot (default: 1).


The title of the plot. (default: "")


The range of x values. If null is provided will use range of line data x values. WARNING: even if x_range is smaller than x range of point data, the line is still fitted for all points in dataset. (default: NULL)


The range of y values. If null is provided will use range of line data y values. WARNING: even if y_range is smaller than y range of point data, the line is still fitted for all points in dataset. (default: NULL)


The x-axis label. (default: "")


The y-axis label. (default: "")


The subtitle of the plot. (default: "")


The color of the drawn lines. (default: "steelblue")


The color of the true drawn lines and confidence interval region. (default: "steelblue")


The color of the drawing region that displays progress. If NULL, region will be transparent. (default: "rgba(255,255,0,.8)" (yellow))


The buffer for the x-axis added to the x range, calculated as a percent of x range. Only used if x_range is NULL, and must be greater than or equal to 0. (default: 0)


The buffer for the y-axis added to the y range, calculated as a percent of y range. Only used if y_range is NULL, and must be greater than or equal to 0. (default: 0.05)


Whether to show the finished plot (default: TRUE).


Whether to display tooltips or not. (default: FALSE)


The rendered interactive you-draw-it plot. The plot is displayed automatically when function is called if not assigned to a variable for further use.


# Example 1: Simulating linear data and plotting
data <- linearDataGen(y_int = -4,
                      slope  = 0.8,
                      sigma  = 2.8,
                      x_min  = 0,
                      x_max  = 20,
                      N      = 40)

# Example 2: Using custom data frame and custom options
df <- data.frame(Time = c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, NA, 12, 6, 7),
                 Cost = c(NA, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 18, 12, 10, 14, 14))
data <- customDataGen(df, "Time", "Cost")
print(drawr(data           = data,
            aspect_ratio   = 0.85,
            title          = "Title",
            x_range        = c(0, 15),
            subtitle       = "Subtitle",
            x_lab          = "x-axis",
            y_lab          = "y-axis",
            x_axis_buffer  = 0,
            y_axis_buffer  = 1,
            show_tooltip   = TRUE))
# Example 3: Using a non-linear scale
df <- data.frame(Time = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10))
df$Cost <- exp(df$Time)
data <- customDataGen(df = df, log_y = TRUE, log_base = 2)
print(drawr(data, linear = "no", log_base = 2))

# Example 4: Start drawing in the middle and include tooltips
df <- data.frame(
  Time = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10),
  Cost = c(1, 4, 9, 16, 18, 16, 9, 4, 2, 1)

data <- df |>  customDataGen()

print(drawr(data, free_draw = FALSE, draw_start = 5))