3  Data Cleaning and Manipulation

Reading: 18 minute(s) at 200 WPM.

Videos: 60 minutes


  • Apply data manipulation verbs (filter, select, group by, summarize, mutate) to prepare data for analysis
  • Identify required sequence of steps for data cleaning
  • Describe step-by-step data cleaning process in lay terms appropriately and understand the consequences of data cleaning steps
  • Create summaries of data appropriate for analysis or display using data manipulation techniques

3.1 A quick note about tibble

We have been talking about our data in terms of data.frame objects in R. This is meant to inform you there is another object type in R called tibbles. Essentially, Tibbles are data frames, but they have certain features that make them easier to work with and provide additional cool features that can be useful (e.g., see nest()).

  team   = c("A", "B", "C", "D"), 
  points = c(22, 30, 18, 54)
# A tibble: 4 × 2
  team  points
  <chr>  <dbl>
1 A         22
2 B         30
3 C         18
4 D         54

You can use as_tibble() to convert data.frame objects in R to a tibble object.

Learn more about tibbles

You can read more about Tibbles in R for Data Science: Tibbles

3.2 Introduction to dplyr

In this section, we’re going start learning how to work with data. Generally speaking, data doesn’t come in a form suitable for data visualization or statistical analysis1 - you have to clean it up, create the variables you care about, get rid of those you don’t care about, and so on.

Some people call the process of cleaning and organizing your data “data wrangling”, which is a fantastic way to think about chasing down all of the issues in the data.

Data wrangling (by Allison Horst)

We will be using the tidyverse for this. It’s a meta-package (a package that just loads other packages) that collects packages designed with the same philosophy2 and interface (basically, the commands will use predictable argument names and structure). You’ve already been introduced to parts of the tidyverse - specifically, readr and ggplot2.

dplyr (one of the packages in the tidyverse) creates a “grammar of data manipulation” to make it easier to describe different operations. I find the dplyr grammar to be extremely useful when talking about data operations.

Each dplyr verb describes a common task when doing both exploratory data analysis and more formal statistical modeling. In all tidyverse functions, data comes first – literally, as it’s the first argument to any function. In addition, you don’t use df$variable to access a variable - you refer to the variable by its name alone (“bare” names). This makes the syntax much cleaner and easier to read, which is another principle of the tidy philosophy.

Main dplyr verbs

There is an excellent dplyr cheatsheet available from RStudio. You may want to print it out to have a copy to reference as you work through this chapter.

Motivation & Example Dataset

Last week we learned all about creating graphics in ggplot2. I am hoping to use data visualization as motivation going forward in this class – how do we get our data look like what we need in order to create the graph we want?

Let’s explore how the dplyr verbs work, using the starwars data set, which contains a comprehensive list of the characters in the Star Wars movies and information about their height, mass, hair_color, skin_color, eye_color, birth_year, sex, gender, homeworld, species, films, vehicles, and starships.

This data set is included in the dplyr package, so we load that package and then use the data() function to load data set into memory. The loading isn’t complete until we actually use the data set though… so let’s look at our variables and types and print the first few rows.

name height mass hair_color skin_color eye_color birth_year sex gender homeworld species
Luke Skywalker 172 77 blond fair blue 19.0 male masculine Tatooine Human
C-3PO 167 75 NA gold yellow 112.0 none masculine Tatooine Droid
R2-D2 96 32 NA white, blue red 33.0 none masculine Naboo Droid
Darth Vader 202 136 none white yellow 41.9 male masculine Tatooine Human
Leia Organa 150 49 brown light brown 19.0 female feminine Alderaan Human
Owen Lars 178 120 brown, grey light blue 52.0 male masculine Tatooine Human
Beru Whitesun Lars 165 75 brown light blue 47.0 female feminine Tatooine Human
R5-D4 97 32 NA white, red red NA none masculine Tatooine Droid
Biggs Darklighter 183 84 black light brown 24.0 male masculine Tatooine Human
Obi-Wan Kenobi 182 77 auburn, white fair blue-gray 57.0 male masculine Stewjon Human

We could create a scatterplot of the character’s height by mass, color by species, and facet by homeworld.

ggplot(data = starwars, aes(x = height, 
                            y = mass, 
                            color = species)
       ) +
  geom_point() +
  facet_wrap(~ homeworld)

There is way too much going on in these plots to see anything of importance. Let’s break it down into the parts we are interested in.

3.3 filter(): Pick cases (rows) based on their values

Filter allows us to work with a subset of a larger data frame, keeping only the rows we’re interested in. We provide one or more logical conditions, and only those rows which meet the logical conditions are returned from filter(). Note that unless we store the result from filter() in the original object, we don’t change the original.

Cartoon showing three fuzzy monsters either selecting or crossing out rows of a data table. If the type of animal in the table is “otter” and the site is “bay”, a monster is drawing a purple rectangle around the row. If those conditions are not met, another monster is putting a line through the column indicating it will be excluded. Stylized text reads “dplyr::filter() - keep rows that satisfy your conditions.”

dplyr filter() by Allison Horst

Once the data is set up, filtering the data (selecting certain rows) is actually very simple. Of course, we’ve talked about how to use logical indexing before in Indexing Matrices, but here we’ll focus on using specific functions to perform the same operation.

The dplyr verb for selecting rows is filter(). filter() takes a set of one or more logical conditions, using bare column names and logical operators. Each provided condition is combined using AND.

Let’s say we were interested in only the people, we could create a new data set starwars_people and filter on the species variable.

# Get only the people
starwars_people <- filter(.data = starwars, 
                          species == "Human"
name height mass hair_color skin_color eye_color birth_year sex gender homeworld species
Luke Skywalker 172 77 blond fair blue 19.0 male masculine Tatooine Human
Darth Vader 202 136 none white yellow 41.9 male masculine Tatooine Human
Leia Organa 150 49 brown light brown 19.0 female feminine Alderaan Human
Owen Lars 178 120 brown, grey light blue 52.0 male masculine Tatooine Human
Beru Whitesun Lars 165 75 brown light blue 47.0 female feminine Tatooine Human

We can create the same plot with our new subset of data (starwars_people).

ggplot(data = starwars_people, 
       mapping = aes(x = height, 
                     y = mass, 
                     color = species
       ) +
  geom_point() +
  facet_wrap(~ homeworld)

This looks better, but what if we only care about the people who come from Tatooine? Starting with our original starwars data set, we can combine logical AND statements with a comma to define a data subset called starwars_tatoonie_people.

# Get only the people who come from Tatooine
starwars_tatooine_people <- filter(.data = starwars, 
                                   species == "Human", 
                                   homeworld == "Tatooine"
name height mass hair_color skin_color eye_color birth_year sex gender homeworld species
Luke Skywalker 172 77 blond fair blue 19.0 male masculine Tatooine Human
Darth Vader 202 136 none white yellow 41.9 male masculine Tatooine Human
Owen Lars 178 120 brown, grey light blue 52.0 male masculine Tatooine Human
Beru Whitesun Lars 165 75 brown light blue 47.0 female feminine Tatooine Human
Biggs Darklighter 183 84 black light brown 24.0 male masculine Tatooine Human
ggplot(data = starwars_tatooine_people, 
       mapping = aes(x = height, 
                     y = mass, 
                     color = species
       ) +
  geom_point() +
  facet_wrap(~ homeworld)

Useful comparison operations in R

We might not always want to only filter on a variable set equal to a certain category or value, the following operations can help you combine logical operations in filter().

  • > greater than
  • < less than
  • == equal to
  • %in% identifies if an element belongs to a vector
  • | or

3.3.1 Common Row Selection Tasks

In dplyr, there are a few helper functions which may be useful when constructing filter statements.

Filtering by row number

row_number() is a helper function that is only used inside of another dplyr function (e.g. filter). You might want to keep only even rows, or only the first 10 rows in a table.

Notice how we now have C-3PO, Darth Vader, Beru Whites, Anakin Skywalker, etc. (rows 2, 4, 6, …) from the original starwars data set output above.

filter(.data = starwars, 
       row_number() %% 2 == 0
name height mass hair_color skin_color eye_color birth_year sex gender homeworld species
C-3PO 167 75 NA gold yellow 112.0 none masculine Tatooine Droid
Darth Vader 202 136 none white yellow 41.9 male masculine Tatooine Human
Owen Lars 178 120 brown, grey light blue 52.0 male masculine Tatooine Human
R5-D4 97 32 NA white, red red NA none masculine Tatooine Droid
Obi-Wan Kenobi 182 77 auburn, white fair blue-gray 57.0 male masculine Stewjon Human
name height mass hair_color skin_color eye_color birth_year sex gender homeworld species
Luke Skywalker 172 77 blond fair blue 19.0 male masculine Tatooine Human
C-3PO 167 75 NA gold yellow 112.0 none masculine Tatooine Droid
R2-D2 96 32 NA white, blue red 33.0 none masculine Naboo Droid
Darth Vader 202 136 none white yellow 41.9 male masculine Tatooine Human
Leia Organa 150 49 brown light brown 19.0 female feminine Alderaan Human
Owen Lars 178 120 brown, grey light blue 52.0 male masculine Tatooine Human
Beru Whitesun Lars 165 75 brown light blue 47.0 female feminine Tatooine Human
R5-D4 97 32 NA white, red red NA none masculine Tatooine Droid
Biggs Darklighter 183 84 black light brown 24.0 male masculine Tatooine Human
Obi-Wan Kenobi 182 77 auburn, white fair blue-gray 57.0 male masculine Stewjon Human

arrange() Sorting rows by variable values

Another common operation is to sort your data frame by the values of one or more variables.

arrange() is a dplyr verb for sorting rows in the table by one or more variables. It is often used with a helper function, desc(), which reverses the order of a variable, sorting it in descending order. Multiple arguments can be passed to arrange to sort the data frame by multiple columns hierarchically; each column can be modified with desc() separately.

The code below arranges the starwars characters tallest to shortest.

arrange(.data = starwars, 
name height mass hair_color skin_color eye_color birth_year sex gender homeworld species
Yarael Poof 264 NA none white yellow NA male masculine Quermia Quermian
Tarfful 234 136 brown brown blue NA male masculine Kashyyyk Wookiee
Lama Su 229 88 none grey black NA male masculine Kamino Kaminoan
Chewbacca 228 112 brown unknown blue 200.0 male masculine Kashyyyk Wookiee
Roos Tarpals 224 82 none grey orange NA male masculine Naboo Gungan
Grievous 216 159 none brown, white green, yellow NA male masculine Kalee Kaleesh
Taun We 213 NA none grey black NA female feminine Kamino Kaminoan
Rugor Nass 206 NA none green orange NA male masculine Naboo Gungan
Tion Medon 206 80 none grey black NA male masculine Utapau Pau'an
Darth Vader 202 136 none white yellow 41.9 male masculine Tatooine Human

Keep the top \(n\) values of a variable

slice_max() will keep the top values of a specified variable. This is like a filter statement, but it’s a shortcut built to handle a common task. You could write a filter statement that would do this, but it would take a few more lines of code.

The code below outputs the 5 tallest characters in star wars.

slice_max(.data = starwars, 
          order_by = height, 
          n = 5
name height mass hair_color skin_color eye_color birth_year sex gender homeworld species
Yarael Poof 264 NA none white yellow NA male masculine Quermia Quermian
Tarfful 234 136 brown brown blue NA male masculine Kashyyyk Wookiee
Lama Su 229 88 none grey black NA male masculine Kamino Kaminoan
Chewbacca 228 112 brown unknown blue 200 male masculine Kashyyyk Wookiee
Roos Tarpals 224 82 none grey orange NA male masculine Naboo Gungan

Of course, there is a similar slice_min() function as well:

The code below outputs the 5 shortest characters in star wars.

slice_min(.data = starwars, 
          order_by = height, 
          n = 5
name height mass hair_color skin_color eye_color birth_year sex gender homeworld species
Yoda 66 17 white green brown 896 male masculine NA Yoda's species
Ratts Tyerel 79 15 none grey, blue unknown NA male masculine Aleen Minor Aleena
Wicket Systri Warrick 88 20 brown brown brown 8 male masculine Endor Ewok
Dud Bolt 94 45 none blue, grey yellow NA male masculine Vulpter Vulptereen
R2-D2 96 32 NA white, blue red 33 none masculine Naboo Droid
R4-P17 96 NA none silver, red red, blue NA none feminine NA Droid

By default, slice_max() and slice_min() return values tied with the nth value as well, which is why our result above has 6 rows.

Use with_ties = FALSE.

slice_min(.data = starwars, 
          order_by = height, 
          n = 5, 
          with_ties = FALSE
name height mass hair_color skin_color eye_color birth_year sex gender homeworld species
Yoda 66 17 white green brown 896 male masculine NA Yoda's species
Ratts Tyerel 79 15 none grey, blue unknown NA male masculine Aleen Minor Aleena
Wicket Systri Warrick 88 20 brown brown brown 8 male masculine Endor Ewok
Dud Bolt 94 45 none blue, grey yellow NA male masculine Vulpter Vulptereen
R2-D2 96 32 NA white, blue red 33 none masculine Naboo Droid

slice_max and slice_min also take a prop argument that gives you a certain proportion of the values:

The code below outputs the shortest 1% of characters in star wars.

slice_max(.data = starwars, 
          order_by = height, 
          prop = 0.01
name height mass hair_color skin_color eye_color birth_year sex gender homeworld species

3.4 select(): Pick columns

Sometimes, we don’t want to work with a set of 50 variables when we’re only interested in 5. When that happens, we might be able to pick the variables we want by index (e.g. df[, c(1, 3, 5)]), but this can get tedious.

In dplyr, the function to pick a few columns is select(). The syntax from the help file (?select) looks deceptively simple.

select(.data, …)

So as with just about every other tidyverse function, the first argument in a select statement is the data (.data =). After that, though, you can put just about anything that R can interpret. ... means something along the lines of “put in any additional arguments that make sense in context or might be passed on to other functions”.

So what can go in there?

An exhaustive(?) list of ways to select variables in dplyr

First, dplyr aims to work with standard R syntax, making it intuitive (and also, making it work with variable names instead of just variable indices).3
Most dplyr commands work with “bare” variable names - you don’t need to put the variable name in quotes to reference it. There are a few exceptions to this rule, but they’re very explicitly exceptions.

  • var3:var5: select(df, var3:var5) will give you a data frame with columns var3, anything between var3 and var 5, and var5

  • !(<set of variables>) will give you any columns that aren’t in the set of variables in parentheses

    • (<set of vars 1>) & (<set of vars 2>) will give you any variables that are in both set 1 and set 2. (<set of vars 1>) | (<set of vars 2>) will give you any variables that are in either set 1 or set 2.
    • c() combines sets of variables.

dplyr also defines a lot of variable selection “helpers” that can be used inside select() statements. These statements work with bare column names (so you don’t have to put quotes around the column names when you use them).

  • everything() matches all variables
  • last_col() matches the last variable. last_col(offset = n) selects the n-th to last variable.
  • starts_with("xyz") will match any columns with names that start with xyz. Similarly, ends_with() does exactly what you’d expect as well.
  • contains("xyz") will match any columns with names containing the literal string “xyz”. Note, contains does not work with regular expressions (you don’t need to know what that means right now).
  • matches(regex) takes a regular expression as an argument and returns all columns matching that expression.
  • num_range(prefix, range) selects any columns that start with prefix and have numbers matching the provided numerical range.

There are also selectors that deal with character vectors. These can be useful if you have a list of important variables and want to just keep those variables.

  • all_of(char) matches all variable names in the character vector char. If one of the variables doesn’t exist, this will return an error.
  • any_of(char) matches the contents of the character vector char, but does not throw an error if the variable doesn’t exist in the data set.

There’s one final selector -

  • where() applies a function to each variable and selects those for which the function returns TRUE. This provides a lot of flexibility and opportunity to be creative.

Let’s try these selector functions out and see what we can accomplish!

Starting simple, let’s only subset and keep only the following variables from the starwars data set: name, height, mass, birth_year, species, and homeworld.

select(.data = starwars, name, height, mass, birth_year, species, homeworld)
name height mass birth_year species homeworld
Luke Skywalker 172 77 19.0 Human Tatooine
C-3PO 167 75 112.0 Droid Tatooine
R2-D2 96 32 33.0 Droid Naboo
Darth Vader 202 136 41.9 Human Tatooine
Leia Organa 150 49 19.0 Human Alderaan
Owen Lars 178 120 52.0 Human Tatooine
Beru Whitesun Lars 165 75 47.0 Human Tatooine
R5-D4 97 32 NA Droid Tatooine
Biggs Darklighter 183 84 24.0 Human Tatooine
Obi-Wan Kenobi 182 77 57.0 Human Stewjon

Since name, height, and mass are next to each other, we could have specified name:mass to tell us to select all of the columns between and including name to mass.

select(.data = starwars, name:mass, birth_year, species, homeworld)
name height mass birth_year species homeworld
Luke Skywalker 172 77 19.0 Human Tatooine
C-3PO 167 75 112.0 Droid Tatooine
R2-D2 96 32 33.0 Droid Naboo
Darth Vader 202 136 41.9 Human Tatooine
Leia Organa 150 49 19.0 Human Alderaan
Owen Lars 178 120 52.0 Human Tatooine
Beru Whitesun Lars 165 75 47.0 Human Tatooine
R5-D4 97 32 NA Droid Tatooine
Biggs Darklighter 183 84 24.0 Human Tatooine
Obi-Wan Kenobi 182 77 57.0 Human Stewjon

The select column is also useful for reordering the variables in your data set.


Perhaps we want the birth_year, sex, gender, homeworld, and species to follow the name of the star wars character. We can use the everything() function to specify we want all the other variables to follow.

select(.data = starwars, name, birth_year:species, everything())
name birth_year sex gender homeworld species height mass hair_color skin_color eye_color
Luke Skywalker 19.0 male masculine Tatooine Human 172 77 blond fair blue
C-3PO 112.0 none masculine Tatooine Droid 167 75 NA gold yellow
R2-D2 33.0 none masculine Naboo Droid 96 32 NA white, blue red
Darth Vader 41.9 male masculine Tatooine Human 202 136 none white yellow
Leia Organa 19.0 female feminine Alderaan Human 150 49 brown light brown
Owen Lars 52.0 male masculine Tatooine Human 178 120 brown, grey light blue
Beru Whitesun Lars 47.0 female feminine Tatooine Human 165 75 brown light blue
R5-D4 NA none masculine Tatooine Droid 97 32 NA white, red red
Biggs Darklighter 24.0 male masculine Tatooine Human 183 84 black light brown
Obi-Wan Kenobi 57.0 male masculine Stewjon Human 182 77 auburn, white fair blue-gray

Note that everything() won’t duplicate columns you’ve already added.


So for now, at least in R, you know how to cut your data down to size rowwise (with filter) and column-wise (with select).


Another handy dplyr function is relocate; while you definitely can do this operation in many, many different ways, it may be simpler to do it using relocate. But, I’m covering relocate here mostly because it also comes with this amazing cartoon illustration.

relocate lets you rearrange columns (by Allison Horst)
# move numeric variables to the front
relocate(.data = starwars, 
# A tibble: 87 × 11
   height  mass birth_year name     hair_color skin_color eye_color sex   gender
    <int> <dbl>      <dbl> <chr>    <chr>      <chr>      <chr>     <chr> <chr> 
 1    172    77       19   Luke Sk… blond      fair       blue      male  mascu…
 2    167    75      112   C-3PO    <NA>       gold       yellow    none  mascu…
 3     96    32       33   R2-D2    <NA>       white, bl… red       none  mascu…
 4    202   136       41.9 Darth V… none       white      yellow    male  mascu…
 5    150    49       19   Leia Or… brown      light      brown     fema… femin…
 6    178   120       52   Owen La… brown, gr… light      blue      male  mascu…
 7    165    75       47   Beru Wh… brown      light      blue      fema… femin…
 8     97    32       NA   R5-D4    <NA>       white, red red       none  mascu…
 9    183    84       24   Biggs D… black      light      brown     male  mascu…
10    182    77       57   Obi-Wan… auburn, w… fair       blue-gray male  mascu…
# ℹ 77 more rows
# ℹ 2 more variables: homeworld <chr>, species <chr>

3.5 mutate(): Add and transform variables

Up to this point, we’ve been primarily focusing on how to decrease the dimensionality of our data set in various ways (i.e., remove rows or columns from the original data set). But frequently, we also need to add columns for derived measures (e.g. BMI from weight and height information), change units, and replace missing or erroneous observations. The tidyverse verb for this is mutate().

Mutate (by Allison Horst)

Let’s create a new variable, BMI calculated from existing columns – mass/height\(^2\)

mutate(.data = starwars, 
       BMI = mass/height^2, 
       .after = mass
name height mass BMI hair_color skin_color eye_color birth_year sex gender homeworld species
Luke Skywalker 172 77 0.0026028 blond fair blue 19.0 male masculine Tatooine Human
C-3PO 167 75 0.0026892 NA gold yellow 112.0 none masculine Tatooine Droid
R2-D2 96 32 0.0034722 NA white, blue red 33.0 none masculine Naboo Droid
Darth Vader 202 136 0.0033330 none white yellow 41.9 male masculine Tatooine Human
Leia Organa 150 49 0.0021778 brown light brown 19.0 female feminine Alderaan Human
Owen Lars 178 120 0.0037874 brown, grey light blue 52.0 male masculine Tatooine Human
Beru Whitesun Lars 165 75 0.0027548 brown light blue 47.0 female feminine Tatooine Human
R5-D4 97 32 0.0034010 NA white, red red NA none masculine Tatooine Droid
Biggs Darklighter 183 84 0.0025083 black light brown 24.0 male masculine Tatooine Human
Obi-Wan Kenobi 182 77 0.0023246 auburn, white fair blue-gray 57.0 male masculine Stewjon Human

By default, the new variable will be tacked on to the end of the data set as the last column. Using .after or .before arguments allows you to place the new variable in the middle of the data set.

We can combine the mutate function with other variables such as ifelse().

Let’s replace the species variable to indicate Human or Not Human.

mutate(.data = starwars, 
       species = if_else(species == "Human", 
                        "Not Human"
name height mass hair_color skin_color eye_color birth_year sex gender homeworld species
Luke Skywalker 172 77 blond fair blue 19.0 male masculine Tatooine Human
C-3PO 167 75 NA gold yellow 112.0 none masculine Tatooine Not Human
R2-D2 96 32 NA white, blue red 33.0 none masculine Naboo Not Human
Darth Vader 202 136 none white yellow 41.9 male masculine Tatooine Human
Leia Organa 150 49 brown light brown 19.0 female feminine Alderaan Human
Owen Lars 178 120 brown, grey light blue 52.0 male masculine Tatooine Human
Beru Whitesun Lars 165 75 brown light blue 47.0 female feminine Tatooine Human
R5-D4 97 32 NA white, red red NA none masculine Tatooine Not Human
Biggs Darklighter 183 84 black light brown 24.0 male masculine Tatooine Human
Obi-Wan Kenobi 182 77 auburn, white fair blue-gray 57.0 male masculine Stewjon Human

The learning curve here isn’t actually knowing how to assign new variables (though that’s important). The challenge comes when you want to do something new and have to figure out how to e.g. use find and replace in a string, or work with dates and times, or recode variables. We will cover special data types like these in a few weeks!

Mutate and new challenges

I’m not going to be able to teach you how to handle every mutate statement task you’ll come across (people invent new ways to screw up data all the time!) but my goal is instead to teach you how to read documentation and Google things intelligently, and to understand what you’re reading enough to actually implement it. This is something that comes with practice (and lots of Googling, stack overflow searches, etc.).

Google and StackOverflow are very common and important programming skills!

In this textbook, the examples will expose you to solutions to common problems (or require that you do some basic reading yourself); unfortunately, there are too many common problems for us to work through line-by-line.

Part of the goal of this textbook is to help you learn how to read through a package description and evaluate whether the package will do what you want. We’re going to try to build some of those skills starting now. It would be relatively easy to teach you how to do a set list of tasks, but you’ll be better statisticians and programmers if you learn the skills to solve niche problems on your own.

A screenshot of a tweet from @abt_programming. Tweet text: Give a man a program, frustrate him for a day.Teach a man to program, frustrate him for a lifetime - Muhammad Waseem.

Apologies for the noninclusive language, but the sentiment is real. Source

3.6 summarize()

The next verb is one that we’ve already implicitly seen in action: summarize() takes a data frame with potentially many rows of data and reduces it down to one row of data using some function.

Here (in a trivial example), I compute the overall average height of a star war’s character.

summarize(.data = starwars,
          avg_height = mean(height, na.rm = T)
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1       175.

The na.rm = T argument says to ignore/remove the missing (NA) values in calculating the average.

The real power of summarize, though, is in combination with group_by. We’ll see more summarize examples, but it’s easier to make good examples when you have all the tools - it’s hard to demonstrate how to use a hammer if you don’t also have a nail.

3.7 group_by() Group By + (?) = Power!

Frequently, we have data that is more specific than the data we need - for instance, I may have observations of the temperature at 15-minute intervals, but I might want to record the daily high and low value. To do this, I need to

  1. split my data set into smaller data sets - one for each day
  2. compute summary values for each smaller data set
  3. put my summarized data back together into a single data set

This is known as the split-apply-combine “Group by: Split-Apply-Combine” (2022) or sometimes, map-reduce (Dean and Ghemawat 2008) strategy (though map-reduce is usually on specifically large data sets and performed in parallel).

In tidy parlance, group_by() is the verb that accomplishes the first task. summarize() accomplishes the second task and implicitly accomplishes the third as well.

Let’s see how things change when we calculate the average height of star wars characters by their species.

starwars |> 
  group_by(species) |> 
  summarize(height = mean(height, na.rm = T))
# A tibble: 38 × 2
   species   height
   <chr>      <dbl>
 1 Aleena       79 
 2 Besalisk    198 
 3 Cerean      198 
 4 Chagrian    196 
 5 Clawdite    168 
 6 Droid       131.
 7 Dug         112 
 8 Ewok         88 
 9 Geonosian   183 
10 Gungan      209.
# ℹ 28 more rows

The next section Pipe Operator will introduce and talk about what the |> symbol is, this example is just hard to show without it!

The ungroup() command is just as important as the group_by() command! (by Allison Horst)

When you group_by() a variable, your result carries this grouping with it. summarize() will remove one layer of grouping (by default), but if you ever want to return to a completely ungrouped data set, you should use the ungroup() command.

3.8 Pipe Operator

The powerhouse of the tidyverse package comes from the pipe operator. This specifies a sequence of operations (kind of like how we layered our graphics in ggplot2). The output from the previous line (often a subset) is automatically passed into the first argument of the next line (remember, data first! .data =).

The native pipe operator is |>, but the magrittr pipe operator %>% was used up until recently (and still is often used!).

The keyboard shortcut for adding a pipe operator to your code is Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + M.

However, if you want to use this shortcut for the native pipe, you need to change your global R settings:

Tools > Global Options > Code > checkbox Use native pipe operator, |>

(required) Read more about the pipe operators at Workflow Pipes and Formatting Pipes.

Let’s combine all of our new skills with the pipe operator!

  1. Use filter() to subset our data to only Human’s and Droid’s
  2. Use mutate() to create the new variable, BMI,
  3. Use group_by() to create groups by species,
  4. Use summarize() to calculate the mean and standard deviation of BMI
  5. Use mutate() to calculate the average plus/minus one standard deviation.

We could either assign this new data set that has summary values of BMI by species or we could pipe the data set directly into a plot – recall the first argument for ggplot() is data =.

starwars |> 
  filter(species %in% c("Human", "Droid")) |> 
  mutate(BMI = mass/height^2) |> 
  group_by(species) |> 
  summarize(avg_BMI = mean(BMI, na.rm = TRUE),
            sd_BMI = sd(BMI, na.rm = TRUE)
            ) |> 
  mutate(BMI_1sd_below = avg_BMI - sd_BMI,
         BMI_1sd_above = avg_BMI + sd_BMI
         ) |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = species, 
             y = avg_BMI)
         ) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = BMI_1sd_below,
                    ymax = BMI_1sd_above),
                width = 0.2
                ) +
  labs(x = "Species", 
       subtitle = "Average BMI") +
  theme(axis.title.y = element_blank())

As with ggplot, formatting your dplyr code pipelines so it is readable will help both you and me!

Additional Resources


Dean, Jeffrey, and Sanjay Ghemawat. 2008. MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters.” Communications of the ACM 51 (1): 107–13. https://doi.org/10.1145/1327452.1327492.
“Group by: Split-Apply-Combine.” 2022. In Pandas 1.4.3 Documentation. Python. https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/groupby.html.
Wickham, Hadley. 2011. “The Split-Apply-Combine Strategy for Data Analysis.” Journal of Statistical Software 40: 1–29.

  1. See this twitter thread for some horror stories. This tweet is also pretty good at showing one type of messiness.↩︎

  2. The philosophy includes a preference for pipes, but this preference stems from the belief that code should be readable in the same way that text is readable.↩︎

  3. It accomplishes this through the magic of quasiquotation, which we will not cover in this course because it’s basically witchcraft.↩︎