5  Special Data Types

Reading: 16 minute(s) at 200 WPM + r4ds required readings

Videos: 32 minutes


This chapter is heavily outsourced to r4ds as they do a much better job at providing examples and covering the extensive functionality of each of the packages than I myself would ever be able to.

  • Clean and extract information from character strings using stringr
  • Work with date and time variables using lubridate

5.1 String Operations with stringr

Nearly always, when multiple variables are stored in a single column, they are stored as character variables. There are many different “levels” of working with strings in programming, from simple find-and-replaced of fixed (constant) strings to regular expressions, which are extremely powerful (and extremely complicated).

Some people, when confronted with a problem, think “I know, I’ll use regular expressions.” Now they have two problems. - Jamie Zawinski

Alternately, the xkcd version of the above quote

(required) Go read about strings in r4ds.


Download the stringr cheatsheet.

Table of string functions in the R stringr package. x is the string or vector of strings, pattern is a pattern to be found within the string, a and b are indexes, and encoding is a string encoding, such as UTF8 or ASCII.
Task stringr
Replace pattern with replacement str_replace(x, pattern, replacement) and str_replace_all(x, pattern, replacement)
Convert case str_to_lower(x), str_to_upper(x) , str_to_title(x)
Strip whitespace from start/end str_trim(x) , str_squish(x)
Pad strings to a specific length str_pad(x, …)
Test if the string contains a pattern str_detect(x, pattern)
Count how many times a pattern appears in the string str_count(x, pattern)
Find the first appearance of the pattern within the string str_locate(x, pattern)
Find all appearances of the pattern within the string str_locate_all(x, pattern)
Detect a match at the start/end of the string str_starts(x, pattern) ,str_ends(x, pattern)
Subset a string from index a to b str_sub(x, a, b)
Convert string encoding str_conv(x, encoding)

5.1.1 Regular Expressions

Matching exact strings is easy - it’s just like using find and replace.

human_talk <- "blah, blah, blah. Do you want to go for a walk?"
dog_hears <- str_extract(human_talk, "walk")
[1] "walk"

But, if you can master even a small amount of regular expression notation, you’ll have exponentially more power to do good (or evil) when working with strings. You can get by without regular expressions if you’re creative, but often they’re much simpler.

Short Regular Expressions Primer

You may find it helpful to follow along with this section using this web app built to test R regular expressions. The subset of regular expression syntax we’re going to cover here is fairly limited, but you can find regular expressions to do just about anything string-related. As with any tool, there are situations where it’s useful, and situations where you should not use a regular expression, no matter how much you want to.

Here are the basics of regular expressions:

  • [] enclose sets of characters
    Ex: [abc] will match any single character a, b, c
    • - specifies a range of characters (A-z matches all upper and lower case letters)
    • to match - exactly, precede with a backslash (outside of []) or put the - last (inside [])
  • . matches any character (except a newline)
  • To match special characters, escape them using \ (in most languages) or \\ (in R). So \. or \\. will match a literal ., \$ or \\$ will match a literal $.
num_string <- "phone: 123-456-7890, nuid: 12345678, ssn: 123-45-6789"

ssn <- str_extract(num_string, "[0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]")
[1] "123-45-6789"

Listing out all of those numbers can get repetitive, though. How do we specify repetition?

  • * means repeat between 0 and inf times
  • + means 1 or more times
  • ? means 0 or 1 times – most useful when you’re looking for something optional
  • {a, b} means repeat between a and b times, where a and b are integers. b can be blank. So [abc]{3,} will match abc, aaaa, cbbaa, but not ab, bb, or a. For a single number of repeated characters, you can use {a}. So {3, } means “3 or more times” and {3} means “exactly 3 times”
str_extract("banana", "[a-z]{1,}") # match any sequence of lowercase characters
[1] "banana"
str_extract("banana", "[ab]{1,}") # Match any sequence of a and b characters
[1] "ba"
str_extract_all("banana", "(..)") # Match any two characters
[1] "ba" "na" "na"
str_extract("banana", "(..)\\1") # Match a repeated thing
[1] "anan"
num_string <- "phone: 123-456-7890, nuid: 12345678, ssn: 123-45-6789, bank account balance: $50,000,000.23"

ssn <- str_extract(num_string, "[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{4}")
[1] "123-45-6789"
phone <- str_extract(num_string, "[0-9]{3}.[0-9]{3}.[0-9]{4}")
[1] "123-456-7890"
nuid <- str_extract(num_string, "[0-9]{8}")
[1] "12345678"
bank_balance <- str_extract(num_string, "\\$[0-9,]+\\.[0-9]{2}")
[1] "$50,000,000.23"

There are also ways to “anchor” a pattern to a part of the string (e.g. the beginning or the end)

  • ^ has multiple meanings:
    • if it’s the first character in a pattern, ^ matches the beginning of a string
    • if it follows [, e.g. [^abc], ^ means “not” - for instance, “the collection of all characters that aren’t a, b, or c”.
  • $ means the end of a string

Combined with pre and post-processing, these let you make sense out of semi-structured string data, such as addresses.

address <- "1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington D.C., 20500"

house_num <- str_extract(address, "^[0-9]{1,}")

 # Match everything alphanumeric up to the comma
street <- str_extract(address, "[A-z0-9 ]{1,}")
street <- str_remove(street, house_num) %>% str_trim() # remove house number

city <- str_extract(address, ",.*,") %>% str_remove_all(",") %>% str_trim()

zip <- str_extract(address, "[0-9-]{5,10}$") # match 5 and 9 digit zip codes
  • () are used to capture information. So ([0-9]{4}) captures any 4-digit number
  • a|b will select a or b.

If you’ve captured information using (), you can reference that information using backreferences. In most languages, those look like this: \1 for the first reference, \9 for the ninth. In R, backreferences are \\1 through \\9.

In R, the \ character is special, so you have to escape it. So in R, \\1 is the first reference, and \\2 is the second, and so on.

phone_num_variants <- c("(123) 456-7980", "123.456.7890", "+1 123-456-7890")
phone_regex <- "\\+?[0-9]{0,3}? ?\\(?([0-9]{3})?\\)?.?([0-9]{3}).?([0-9]{4})"
# \\+?[0-9]{0,3} matches the country code, if specified, 
#    but won't take the first 3 digits from the area code 
#    unless a country code is also specified
# \\( and \\) match literal parentheses if they exist
# ([0-9]{3})? captures the area code, if it exists
# .? matches any character
# ([0-9]{3}) captures the exchange code
# ([0-9]{4}) captures the 4-digit individual code

str_extract(phone_num_variants, phone_regex)
[1] "(123) 456-7980"  "123.456.7890"    "+1 123-456-7890"
str_replace(phone_num_variants, phone_regex, "\\1\\2\\3")
[1] "1234567980" "1234567890" "1234567890"
# We didn't capture the country code, so it remained in the string

human_talk <- "blah, blah, blah. Do you want to go for a walk? I think I'm going to treat myself to some ice cream for working so hard. "
dog_hears <- str_extract_all(human_talk, "walk|treat")
[1] "walk"  "treat"

Putting it all together, we can test our regular expressions to ensure that they are specific enough to pull out what we want, while not pulling out other similar information:

strings <- c("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABAB",
"banana orange strawberry apple",
"ana went to montana to eat a banana",
"call me at 432-394-2873. Do you want to go for a walk? I'm going to treat myself to some ice cream for working so hard.",
"phone: (123) 456-7890, nuid: 12345678, bank account balance: $50,000,000.23",
"1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington D.C., 20500")

phone_regex <- "\\+?[0-9]{0,3}? ?\\(?([0-9]{3})?\\)?.?([0-9]{3}).([0-9]{4})"
dog_regex <- "(walk|treat)"
addr_regex <- "([0-9]*) ([A-z0-9 ]{3,}), ([A-z\\. ]{3,}), ([0-9]{5})"
abab_regex <- "(..)\\1"

  text = strings,
  phone = str_detect(strings, phone_regex),
  dog = str_detect(strings, dog_regex),
  addr = str_detect(strings, addr_regex),
  abab = str_detect(strings, abab_regex))
# A tibble: 6 × 5
  text                                                   phone dog   addr  abab 
  <chr>                                                  <lgl> <lgl> <lgl> <lgl>
1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABAB                         FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE 
2 banana orange strawberry apple                         FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE 
3 ana went to montana to eat a banana                    FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE 
4 call me at 432-394-2873. Do you want to go for a walk… TRUE  TRUE  FALSE FALSE
5 phone: (123) 456-7890, nuid: 12345678, bank account b… TRUE  FALSE FALSE FALSE
6 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington D.C., 20500       FALSE FALSE TRUE  FALSE

(semi-required) Go read more about regular expressions in r4ds.

Read at least through section 17.4.1.

5.2 Dates & Times with lubridate

In order to fill in an important part of our toolbox, we need to learn how to work with date variables. These variables feel like they should be simple and intuitive given we all work with schedules and calendars everyday. However, there are little nuances that we will learn to make working with dates and times easier.

(Required) Go read about dates and times in r4ds.

Learn more about dates and times

