4  Data Joins and Transformations

Reading: 17 minute(s) at 200 WPM.

Videos: 26 minutes.


The first section of this chapter is heavily outsourced to r4ds as they do a much better job at providing examples and covering the extensive functionality of factor data types than I myself would ever be able to.

  • Use forcats to reorder and relabel factor variables in data cleaning steps and data visualizations.

Broadly, your objective while reading the second section of this chapter is to be able to identify data sets which have “messy” formats and determine a sequence of operations to transition the data into “tidy” format. To do this, you should master the following concepts:

  • Determine what data format is necessary to generate a desired plot or statistical model.
  • Understand the differences between “wide” and “long” format data and how to transition between the two structures.
  • Understand relational data formats and how to use data joins to assemble data from multiple tables into a single table.

Functions covered this week:

library(forcats) (not an exhaustive list)

Download the forcats cheatsheet.


  • pivot_longer(), pivot_wider()
  • separate(), unite()


  • left_join(), right_join(), full_join()
  • semi_join(), anti_join()

4.1 Factors with forcats

We have been floating around the idea of factor data types. In this section, we will formally define factors and why they are needed for data visualization and analysis. We will then learn useful functions for working with factors in our data cleaning steps.

In short, factors are categorical variables with a fixed number of values (think a set number of groups). One of the main features that set factors apart from groups is that you can reorder the groups to be non-alphabetical. In this section we will be using the forcats package (part of the tidyverse!) to create and manipulate factor variables.

(Required) Go read about factors in r4ds.

4.2 Identifying the problem: Messy data

The illustrations below are lifted from an excellent blog post (Lowndes and Horst 2020) about tidy data; they’re reproduced here because

  1. they’re beautiful and licensed as CCA-4.0-by, and
  2. they might be more memorable than the equivalent paragraphs of text without illustration.

Most of the time, data does not come in a format suitable for analysis. Spreadsheets are generally optimized for data entry or viewing, rather than for statistical analysis:

  • Tables may be laid out for easy data entry, so that there are multiple observations in a single row
  • It may be visually preferable to arrange columns of data to show multiple times or categories on the same row for easy comparison

When we analyze data, however, we care much more about the fundamental structure of observations: discrete units of data collection. Each observation may have several corresponding variables that may be measured simultaneously, but fundamentally each discrete data point is what we are interested in analyzing or plotting.

The structure of tidy data reflects this preference for keeping the data in a fundamental form: each observation is in its own row, any observed variables are in single columns. This format is inherently rectangular, which is also important for statistical analysis - our methods are typically designed to work with matrices of data.

Stylized text providing an overview of Tidy Data. The top reads “Tidy data is a standard way of mapping the meaning of a dataset to its structure. - Hadley Wickham.” On the left reads “In tidy data: each variable forms a column; each observation forms a row; each cell is a single measurement.” There is an example table on the lower right with columns ‘id’, ‘name’ and ‘color’ with observations for different cats, illustrating tidy data structure.

Figure 4.1: Tidy data format, illustrated.

There are two sets of anthropomorphized data tables. The top group of three tables are all rectangular and smiling, with a shared speech bubble reading “our columns are variables and our rows are observations!”. Text to the left of that group reads “The standard structure of tidy data means that “tidy datasets are all alike…” The lower group of four tables are all different shapes, look ragged and concerned, and have different speech bubbles reading (from left to right) “my column are values and my rows are variables”, “I have variables in columns AND in rows”, “I have multiple variables in a single column”, and “I don’t even KNOW what my deal is.” Next to the frazzled data tables is text “...but every messy dataset is messy in its own way. -Hadley Wickham.”

An illustration of the principle that every messy dataset is messy in its own way.

The preference for tidy data has several practical implications: it is easier to reuse code on tidy data, allowing for analysis using a standardized set of tools (rather than having to build a custom tool for each data analysis job).

On the left is a happy cute fuzzy monster holding a rectangular data frame with a tool that fits the data frame shape. On the workbench behind the monster are other data frames of similar rectangular shape, and neatly arranged tools that also look like they would fit those data frames. The workbench looks uncluttered and tidy. The text above the tidy workbench reads “When working with tidy data, we can use the same tools in similar ways for different datasets…” On the right is a cute monster looking very frustrated, using duct tape and other tools to haphazardly tie data tables together, each in a different way. The monster is in front of a messy, cluttered workbench. The text above the frustrated monster reads “...but working with untidy data often means reinventing the wheel with one-time approaches that are hard to iterate or reuse.”

Tidy data is easier to manage because the same tools and approaches apply to multiple datasets.

In addition, standardized tools for data analysis means that it is easier to collaborate with others: if everyone starts with the same set of assumptions about the dataset, you can borrow methods and tools from a collaborator’s analysis and easily apply them to your own dataset.

Two happy looking round fuzzy monsters, each holding a similarly shaped wrench with the word “wrangle” on it. Between their tools is held up a rectangular data table labeled “TIDY.”

Collaboration with tidy data.

Cute fuzzy monsters putting rectangular data tables onto a conveyor belt. Along the conveyor belt line are different automated “stations” that update the data, reading “WRANGLE”, “VISUALIZE”, and “MODEL”. A monster at the end of the conveyor belt is carrying away a table that reads “Complete analysis.”

Tidy data enables standardized workflows.

Figure 4.2: Tidy data makes it easier to collaborate with others and analyze new data using standardized workflows.

Examples: Messy Data

These datasets all display the same data: TB (Tuberculosis) cases documented by the WHO (World Health Organization) in Afghanistan, Brazil, and China, between 1999 and 2000. There are 4 variables: country, year, cases, and population, but each table has a different layout.

  • For each of the data set, determine whether each table is tidy. If it is not, identify which rule or rules it violates.

  • What would you have to do in order to compute a standardized TB infection rate per 100,000 people?

All of these data sets are “built-in” to the tidyverse package

Table 1
country year cases population
Afghanistan 1999 745 19987071
Afghanistan 2000 2666 20595360
Brazil 1999 37737 172006362
Brazil 2000 80488 174504898
China 1999 212258 1272915272
China 2000 213766 1280428583

Here, each observation is a single row, each variable is a column, and everything is nicely arranged for e.g. regression or statistical analysis. We can easily compute another measure, such as cases per 100,000 population, by taking cases/population * 100000 (this would define a new column).

Table 2
country year type count
Afghanistan 1999 cases 745
Afghanistan 1999 population 19987071
Afghanistan 2000 cases 2666
Afghanistan 2000 population 20595360
Brazil 1999 cases 37737
Brazil 1999 population 172006362
Brazil 2000 cases 80488
Brazil 2000 population 174504898
China 1999 cases 212258
China 1999 population 1272915272
China 2000 cases 213766
China 2000 population 1280428583

Here, we have 4 columns again, but we now have 12 rows: one of the columns is an indicator of which of two numerical observations is recorded in that row; a second column stores the value. This form of the data is more easily plotted in e.g. ggplot2, if we want to show lines for both cases and population, but computing per capita cases would be much more difficult in this form than in the arrangement in table 1.

Table 3
country year rate
Afghanistan 1999 745/19987071
Afghanistan 2000 2666/20595360
Brazil 1999 37737/172006362
Brazil 2000 80488/174504898
China 1999 212258/1272915272
China 2000 213766/1280428583

This form has only 3 columns, because the rate variable (which is a character) stores both the case count and the population. We can’t do anything with this format as it stands, because we can’t do math on data stored as characters. However, this form might be easier to read and record for a human being.

Table 4a
country 1999 2000
Afghanistan 745 2666
Brazil 37737 80488
China 212258 213766
Table 4b
country 1999 2000
Afghanistan 19987071 20595360
Brazil 172006362 174504898
China 1272915272 1280428583

In this form, we have two tables - one for population, and one for cases. Each year’s observations are in a separate column. This format is often found in separate sheets of an excel workbook. To work with this data, we’ll need to transform each table so that there is a column indicating which year an observation is from, and then merge the two tables together by country and year.

Table 5
country century year rate
Afghanistan 19 99 745/19987071
Afghanistan 20 00 2666/20595360
Brazil 19 99 37737/172006362
Brazil 20 00 80488/174504898
China 19 99 212258/1272915272
China 20 00 213766/1280428583

Table 5 is very similar to table 3, but the year has been separated into two columns - century, and year. This is more common with year, month, and day in separate columns (or date and time in separate columns), often to deal with the fact that spreadsheets don’t always handle dates the way you’d hope they would.


By the end of this chapter, you will have the skills needed to wrangle and transform the most common “messy” data sets into “tidy” form.

4.3 Pivot Operations

It’s fairly common for data to come in forms which are convenient for either human viewing or data entry. Unfortunately, these forms aren’t necessarily the most friendly for analysis.

The two operations we’ll learn here are wide -> long and long -> wide.

This animation uses the functions pivot_wider() and pivot_longer() from the tidyr package in R – Animation source.

4.3.1 Longer

In many cases, the data come in what we might call “wide” form - some of the column names are not names of variables, but instead, are themselves values of another variable.

Tables 4a and 4b (from above) are good examples of data which is in “wide” form and should be in long(er) form: the years, which are variables, are column names, and the values are cases and population respectively.

# A tibble: 3 × 3
  country     `1999` `2000`
  <chr>        <dbl>  <dbl>
1 Afghanistan    745   2666
2 Brazil       37737  80488
3 China       212258 213766
# A tibble: 3 × 3
  country         `1999`     `2000`
  <chr>            <dbl>      <dbl>
1 Afghanistan   19987071   20595360
2 Brazil       172006362  174504898
3 China       1272915272 1280428583

The solution to this is to rearrange the data into “long form”: to take the columns which contain values and “stack” them, adding a variable to indicate which column each value came from. To do this, we have to duplicate the values in any column which isn’t being stacked (e.g. country, in both the example above and the image below).

A wide-to-long transformation operation, where the values of the id variables are repeated for each column which is used as a key; the values in each column are moved into a value column. There is a row of data in the transformed data frame for each combination of id variables and key variables.

A visual representation of what the pivot_longer operation looks like in practice.

Once our data are in long form, we can (if necessary) separate values that once served as column labels into actual variables, and we’ll have tidy(er) data.

table4a |> 
  pivot_longer(cols = `1999`:`2000`, 
               names_to = "year", 
               values_to = "cases"
# A tibble: 6 × 3
  country     year   cases
  <chr>       <chr>  <dbl>
1 Afghanistan 1999     745
2 Afghanistan 2000    2666
3 Brazil      1999   37737
4 Brazil      2000   80488
5 China       1999  212258
6 China       2000  213766
table4b |> 
  pivot_longer(cols = -country, 
               names_to = "year", 
               values_to = "population"
# A tibble: 6 × 3
  country     year  population
  <chr>       <chr>      <dbl>
1 Afghanistan 1999    19987071
2 Afghanistan 2000    20595360
3 Brazil      1999   172006362
4 Brazil      2000   174504898
5 China       1999  1272915272
6 China       2000  1280428583

The columns are moved to a variable with the name passed to the argument “names_to” (hopefully, that is easy to remember), and the values are moved to a variable with the name passed to the argument “values_to” (again, hopefully easy to remember).

We identify ID variables (variables which we don’t want to pivot) by not including them in the pivot statement. We can do this in one of two ways:

  • select only variables (columns) we want to pivot (see table4a pivot)
  • select variables (columns) we don’t want to pivot, using - to remove them (see table4b pivot)

Which option is easier depends how many things you’re pivoting (and how the columns are structured).

4.3.2 Wider

While it’s very common to need to transform data into a longer format, it’s not that uncommon to need to do the reverse operation. When an observation is scattered across multiple rows, your data is too long and needs to be made wider again.

Table 2 (from above) is an example of a table that is in long format but needs to be converted to a wider layout to be “tidy” - there are separate rows for cases and population, which means that a single observation (one year, one country) has two rows.

# A tibble: 12 × 4
   country      year type            count
   <chr>       <dbl> <chr>           <dbl>
 1 Afghanistan  1999 cases             745
 2 Afghanistan  1999 population   19987071
 3 Afghanistan  2000 cases            2666
 4 Afghanistan  2000 population   20595360
 5 Brazil       1999 cases           37737
 6 Brazil       1999 population  172006362
 7 Brazil       2000 cases           80488
 8 Brazil       2000 population  174504898
 9 China        1999 cases          212258
10 China        1999 population 1272915272
11 China        2000 cases          213766
12 China        2000 population 1280428583

An illustration of the transition from long data to wide data. In the long data frame, there are alternating rows of cases and populations, with corresponding counts. In the wide data frame, for each combination of id variables country and year, there are two columns: cases, and pop, each with corresponding values. That is, the key variables (cases, pop) in the long data frame become columns in the wide data frame.

A visual representation of what the pivot_wider operation looks like in practice.
table2 |>
  pivot_wider(names_from  = type, 
              values_from = count
# A tibble: 6 × 4
  country      year  cases population
  <chr>       <dbl>  <dbl>      <dbl>
1 Afghanistan  1999    745   19987071
2 Afghanistan  2000   2666   20595360
3 Brazil       1999  37737  172006362
4 Brazil       2000  80488  174504898
5 China        1999 212258 1272915272
6 China        2000 213766 1280428583

Learn More in R4DS

Read more about pivoting in r4ds.

4.4 Separating and Uniting Variables

We will talk about strings and regular expressions next week, but there’s a task that is fairly commonly encountered with functions that belong to the tidyr package: separating variables into two different columns separate() and it’s complement, unite(), which is useful for combining two variables into one column.

A visual representation of what separating variables means for data set operations.
table3 |>
  separate_wider_delim(cols        = rate,
                       names       = c("cases", "population"),
                       delim       = "/",
                       cols_remove = FALSE
# A tibble: 6 × 5
  country      year cases  population rate             
  <chr>       <dbl> <chr>  <chr>      <chr>            
1 Afghanistan  1999 745    19987071   745/19987071     
2 Afghanistan  2000 2666   20595360   2666/20595360    
3 Brazil       1999 37737  172006362  37737/172006362  
4 Brazil       2000 80488  174504898  80488/174504898  
5 China        1999 212258 1272915272 212258/1272915272
6 China        2000 213766 1280428583 213766/1280428583

I’ve left the rate column in the original data frame (cols_remove = F) just to make it easy to compare and verify that yes, it worked.

And, of course, there is a complementary operation, which is when it’s necessary to join two columns to get a useable data value.

A visual representation of what uniting variables means for data set operations.
table5 |>
  unite(col = "year",
        c(century, year),
        sep = ''
# A tibble: 6 × 3
  country     year  rate             
  <chr>       <chr> <chr>            
1 Afghanistan 1999  745/19987071     
2 Afghanistan 2000  2666/20595360    
3 Brazil      1999  37737/172006362  
4 Brazil      2000  80488/174504898  
5 China       1999  212258/1272915272
6 China       2000  213766/1280428583

Learn More in R4DS

The separate_xxx() is actually a family of experimental functions stemming from the superseeded separate() function. You can read more about separate_xxx() and unite() in r4ds and r4ds.

4.5 Merging Tables

The final essential data tidying and transformation skill you need to acquire is joining tables. It is common for data to be organized relationally - that is, certain aspects of the data apply to a group of data points, and certain aspects apply to individual data points, and there are relationships between the individual data points and the groups of data points that have to be documented.

Examples: Relational Data Example: Primary School Records

Each individual has certain characteristics:

  • full_name
  • gender
  • birth date
  • ID number

Each student has specific characteristics:

  • ID number
  • parent name
  • parent phone number
  • medical information
  • Class ID

Teachers may also have additional information:

  • ID number
  • Class ID
  • employment start date
  • education level
  • compensation level

There are also fields like grades, which occur for each student in each class, but multiple times a year.

  • ID number
  • Student ID
  • Class ID
  • year
  • term number
  • subject
  • grade
  • comment

And for teachers, there are employment records on a yearly basis

  • ID number
  • Employee ID
  • year
  • rating
  • comment

But each class also has characteristics that describe the whole class as a unit:

  • location ID
  • class ID
  • meeting time
  • grade level

Each location might also have some logistical information attached:

  • location ID
  • room number
  • building
  • number of seats
  • AV equipment

Primary School Database Schema

We could go on, but you can see that this data is hierarchical, but also relational: - each class has both a teacher and a set of students - each class is held in a specific location that has certain equipment

It would be silly to store this information in a single table (though it probably can be done) because all of the teacher information would be duplicated for each student in each class; all of the student’s individual info would be duplicated for each grade. There would be a lot of wasted storage space and the tables would be much more confusing as well.

But, relational data also means we have to put in some work when we have a question that requires information from multiple tables. Suppose we want a list of all of the birthdays in a certain class. We would need to take the following steps:

  • get the Class ID
  • get any teachers that are assigned that Class ID - specifically, get their ID number
  • get any students that are assigned that Class ID - specifically, get their ID number
  • append the results from teachers and students so that there is a list of all individuals in the class
  • look through the “individual data” table to find any individuals with matching ID numbers, and keep those individuals’ birth days.

It is helpful to develop the ability to lay out a set of tables in a schema (because often, database schemas aren’t well documented) and mentally map out the steps that you need to combine tables to get the information you want from the information you have.

Table joins allow us to combine information stored in different tables, keeping certain information (the stuff we need) while discarding extraneous information.

keys are values that are found in multiple tables that can be used to connect the tables. A key (or set of keys) uniquely identify an observation. A primary key identifies an observation in its own table. A foreign key identifies an observation in another table.

There are 3 main types of table joins:

  • Mutating joins, which add columns from one table to matching rows in another table
    Ex: adding birthday to the table of all individuals in a class

  • Filtering joins, which remove rows from a table based on whether or not there is a matching row in another table (but the columns in the original table don’t change)
    Ex: finding all teachers or students who have class ClassID

  • Set operations, which treat observations as set elements (e.g. union, intersection, etc.)
    Ex: taking the union of all student and teacher IDs to get a list of individual IDs

4.5.1 Animating Joins

Note: all of these animations are stolen from https://github.com/gadenbuie/tidyexplain.

If we start with two tables, x and y,

Mutating Joins

We’re primarily going to focus on mutating joins, as filtering joins can be accomplished by … filtering … rather than by table joins.

We can do a filtering inner_join to keep only rows which are in both tables (but we keep all columns)

But what if we want to keep all of the rows in x? We would do a left_join

If there are multiple matches in the y table, though, we might have to duplicate rows in x. This is still a left join, just a more complicated one.

If we wanted to keep all of the rows in y, we would do a right_join:

(or, we could do a left join with y and x, but… either way is fine).

And finally, if we want to keep all of the rows, we’d do a full_join:

You can find other animations corresponding to filtering joins and set operations here

Every join has a “left side” and a “right side” - so in some_join(A, B), A is the left side, B is the right side.

Joins are differentiated based on how they treat the rows and columns of each side. In mutating joins, the columns from both sides are always kept.

Left Side Right Side
Join Type Rows Cols
inner matching all matching
left all all matching
right matching all all
outer all all all
Demonstration: Mutating Joins
t1 <- tibble(x = c("A", "B", "D"), 
             y = c(1, 2, 3)
# A tibble: 3 × 2
  x         y
  <chr> <dbl>
1 A         1
2 B         2
3 D         3
t2 <- tibble(x = c("B", "C", "D"), 
             z = c(2, 4, 5)
# A tibble: 3 × 2
  x         z
  <chr> <dbl>
1 B         2
2 C         4
3 D         5

An inner join keeps only rows that exist on both sides, but keeps all columns.

inner_join(t1, t2)
# A tibble: 2 × 3
  x         y     z
  <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 B         2     2
2 D         3     5

A left join keeps all of the rows in the left side, and adds any columns from the right side that match rows on the left. Rows on the left that don’t match get filled in with NAs.

left_join(t1, t2)
# A tibble: 3 × 3
  x         y     z
  <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 A         1    NA
2 B         2     2
3 D         3     5
left_join(t2, t1)
# A tibble: 3 × 3
  x         z     y
  <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 B         2     2
2 C         4    NA
3 D         5     3

There is a similar construct called a right join that is equivalent to flipping the arguments in a left join. The row and column ordering may be different, but all of the same values will be there

right_join(t1, t2)
# A tibble: 3 × 3
  x         y     z
  <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 B         2     2
2 D         3     5
3 C        NA     4
right_join(t2, t1)
# A tibble: 3 × 3
  x         z     y
  <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 B         2     2
2 D         5     3
3 A        NA     1

An outer join keeps everything - all rows, all columns. In dplyr, it’s known as a full_join.

full_join(t1, t2)
# A tibble: 4 × 3
  x         y     z
  <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 A         1    NA
2 B         2     2
3 D         3     5
4 C        NA     4

Filtering Joins

A semi join keeps matching rows from x and y, discarding all other rows and keeping only the columns from x.

An anti-join keeps rows in x that do not have a match in y, and only keeps columns in x.

Learn More in R4DS

Read more about joins in r4ds


Lowndes, Julie, and Allison Horst. 2020. “Tidy Data for Efficiency, Reproducibility, and Collaboration.” Blog. Openscapes. https://www.openscapes.org/blog/2020/10/12/tidy-data//.